The Sun City Rockhound Club is open to all Sun City Residents who have an RCSC card

If this describes you, are you curious about rocks and minerals?   Are you an outdoor adventurer?  Do you like to learn about Arizona geology and socialize with others with similar interests?

If you are a fan of the above, then the Sun City Rock Club is for you!

MEETINGS AND OUTINGS……..Most of our activities take place from October through April

The club enjoys many outdoor adventures and hosts informational meetings and social gatherings from October through April

MONTHLY MEETINGS-Second Thursday of the Month

We have monthly meetings with interesting and knowledgeable guest speakers.  From expert insights into local/global geology to updates on the Mars Rover missions, we have it all. Sit back and enjoy the presentations!  Meetings are the second Thursday of the month at 6:00 PM at the Fairway Recreation Center Arizona Rooms 1-2.  We enjoy social time with beverages and snacks before the guest presentation

ROCK HOUNDING DAY TRIPS-Third Thursday of the Month

The club offers outdoor guided rock hounding day trip adventures on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Don't know what to look for? Our scouts find areas for collection in easy to access locations.  Generally sites are right next to where we park

LUNCH and LEARN-Fourth Thursday  of the Month

We meet at one of the recreation centers for a bag/potluck lunch. We eat, socialize and show and talk about rocks and minerals!

WHEN THEY OCCUR-Fifth Thursday of the Month

We dedicate this occasionally occurring Thursday to special events such as hikes, potlucks, rock identification class or a fun trip!


We generally have two to three fun trips per year.  These are non-collecting day trip excursions to museums, rock and mineral shows, mine tours and other places of interest. The club also periodically goes on overnight excursions in and out of the state of Arizona


The club maintains a Gem and Mineral Museum at the Sundial Recreation Center where we house many world class specimens.  Our fluorescent minerals display is one of the largest public collections in the southwest.  A true must see!

The museum is a great place where club members enjoy volunteering to learn and to share knowledge with other club members and the public while maintaining the museum.  It is open five days a week from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, closed Thursdays and Sundays, October through April.  During the summer, May through September, the museum is open only on  Saturdays from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM  


The Rock Hounds Club is one of the oldest clubs in Sun City, formed in the fall of 1963.  It has always attracted Sun City residents who are rock lovers and outdoor adventurers.  We are a friendly group of people who like to compare notes on rocks and minerals

Many of our club members are also members of the jewelry lapidary clubs where they can cut,  polish and make jewelry from the specimens they collect 

ROCKDUST, our newsletter containing updated club information and more, is emailed each month to members.